Josh Henderson is new St Johnstone WFC manager
St Johnstone WFC

Josh Henderson is new St Johnstone WFC manager

25th June 2024

Josh Henderson is new St Johnstone WFC manager

We are delighted to confirm Josh Henderson as the new manager of St Johnstone WFC.

Josh (31) is excited to make his first step into management at senior level having held numerous academy roles through the years.

He will be assisted by Stuart McAra and Nathan White, who took hold of the reins towards the end of last season following the departure of Kevin Candy.

“I have always wanted to make the move into management and it is a challenge I’m really looking forward to,” Josh explained. “Being from Perth, I want to see this club do well.

“I have worked with the academy at St Johnstone for the last seven years and have enjoyed every moment of it.

“It has given me a wealth of experience and I’ve picked up plenty of added knowledge through meeting and working with different coaches.”

The SWPL2 season is scheduled to start up again on Sunday, August 11.  

Josh, who is football and projects delivery officer with Saints in the Community, continued: “We have a busy pre-season schedule with fixtures lined-up.

“The start of the season will come around quickly and I’ll now be working hard to get my ideas across to the team.”

Josh added: “I have worked with Stuart and Nathan in the academy and know them very well. I know I can settle in quickly - they know me and how I work.”

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