Club Statement
18th January 2023

The seating arrangements and pricing for the forthcoming Scottish Cup tie against Rangers has been met with a huge amount of negativity and hostility from a number of our valued fans.
The Club has endeavoured to respond to the various communications sent to the Club both by way of email and telephone over the last fortnight, and the Club is aware of the views of various sections of fans both from Social Media activity and Press reports.
The decisions made in respect of this Cup tie were taken with the best interests of the Club at heart.
However, we totally understand the frustration our supporters feel and their level of disappointment.
On reflection, the Club accepts that certain criticisms levelled against the decisions have merit and going forward the Club will take this feedback into account in considering both pricing and seating arrangements in future fixtures. Our supporters can be absolutely assured of this.
Whilst we hope to see as many of our supporters as possible inside McDiarmid Park on Saturday to support Callum and the players in this important Cup tie against Rangers, we understand and respect our supporters who choose not to attend on this occasion.